Learners must pick one subject from Groups 1-5 respectively. The sixth subject may then be from Group 6 or a second subject from Group 2, 3 or 4. We will build the timetable around your choices. Some combinations of subjects may only be possible if sufficient learners select them and we would aim to let you know as soon as possible after subject selection closes. 

Nexus has a flexible approach to support elite performers who need to spread their study over three years due to intense training regimes.


Group 1

Language and literature

Language A: language & literature.  

At Nexus this is Chinese or English or school supported self-study SL/HL 

Group 2

Language acquisition

Language B at Nexus this is Chinese, English, French or Spanish  SL/HL

Language ab initio at Nexus this is Chinese, Spanish or French SL

Group 3

Individuals and societies

Business management SL/ HL 

Economics    SL / HL 

Geography SL/HL

History SL / HL 

Psychology SL/HL

Group 4


Biology SL/HL

Chemistry SL/HL

Computer Science 

Environmental systems & societies SL/HL

Physics SL/HL

Sports, exercise & health science SL/HL 

Group 5


Mathematics: analysis & approaches 


Mathematics: applications & interpretation SL 

Group 6


Music SL/HL 

Theatre SL/HL

Visual Arts SL/HL



IB Courses is a more appropriate route for our learners who may find the demands of the full Diploma programme too challenging.

With IB Courses, learners still gain an IB certificate that lists all the subjects they studied and the grades awarded.  Each of the elements they studied has university tariff points. 

For learners who choose IB Courses we can be flexible in creating your timetable. Some learners on Courses choose to opt out of one subject that they find especially challenging. Other learners may choose to study more SL subjects than HLs and/or opt out of TOK and the EE. We will have a conversation with learners and parents about designing a course that fits your requirements. 

Nexus has a good track record of supporting learners who take the Course option to access university successfully.  

This video was made by one of our learners (Charlie) who graduated on IB Courses and went straight to a UK university to study for a Bachelors in Education degree.